Services, News & Events

Scroll down to see the Savernake Team latest listings, news and upcoming events.


The Savernake Team is currently in Vacancy following the retirement of our Rector. Please visit our ABOUT page to find team members contact details.

To see our Team Rector Profile click HERE.

Mid Week Holy Communion

Join us every Wednesday at 12.00pm in the North Transept of St Mary’s, Great Bedwyn. NEXT SERVICE IS ON JANUARY 22ND


Our monthly walk from one of the churches in the Savernake team, taking in the beauty and awesomeness of Gods Creation, is on hold for the foreseeable future.



This year Ascension Day is on Thursday 29th May. More details to follow.

What’s On…

BURBAGE: Weekly House Groups. Wednesdays at 7.30pm, Thursdays at 3pm and 7.45pm (excluding the first week of the month. For further information contact Teresa or Joy



Fancy a cuppa…?

Why not come along to any of the following for friendship and fulfilment.

Collingbourne KingstonCoffee Club in the village Hall every first and third Wednesday. 10.30am until 12 noon.

Great BedwynThursday Club in the south transept of the church every week until further notice. 12 – 2pm. Soup and a roll plus table games.

BurbageFill The Gap every Tuesday. 12 – 2pm. Soup and a roll. Coffee & Cake 10am – 12pm every 1st Thursday. Both in Burbage Church Centre.


‘School vision’ wall hanging made and donated to Shalbourne church by the school children.


The Savernake Team Council ‘Open’ Meetings are held for anyone interested in what’s going on their parish – you don’t need to be a member of a PCC or even be a church goer! Come along to find out more. We always welcome you with refreshments and snacks. Watch this space for the next Open Meeting date.

The St Timothy Foundation – Helping support life in Nzara, South Sudan. We are proud to advertise the charity of our fellow benefice, The Vale of Pewsey.

Find out about all the amazing work they do and the events you can attend all in aid of the St Timothy foundation. 

To read our Team Letter for the month click on a month:

December – A message from our retired priest Clifford Poole

To see our Weekly Notices, which include service listings and general information, click on the date below. If you would like to receive the Weekly Notice sheet via email each Wednesday please email Samantha at

January 12th

January 19


This year our service ‘I made you wonderful’ is brought to us by the Christian women of the Cooke Islands. It will take place at St Mary’s Great Bedwyn on Friday 7th March. (time tbc)

Our 2024 service took place in St Andrew’s, Collingbourne Ducis and raised nearly £100 for WDP.


Huge congratulations to our Ride and Stride junior group who have won the cup for a second year in a row! We are so grateful to all of those who sponsored the children on their bike ride. They raised an amazing £754 for Wiltshire Historic Churches Trust. Half of this comes directly to Shalbourne Church, along with an extra £100 of prize money and the Junior Group Cup. The children will receive their medals and be presented with the Cup by His Honour Mark Everall KC in the 11am family service on Sunday 3rd March. Thank you to everyone who took part and helped on the day. We hope you can join us in the service and encourage an even bigger turn out for the next Ride and Stride in September!
Rosie Style, Charlie Style, Amelia Collins, Annabelle Collins, Maisie Scott Harden, Oliver Mendus-Edwards, William Harrison, Annabel Harrison, Isabella Bannister, Jack Bannister

Our 2023 Confirmation Service took place at All Saints’, Burbage. Bishop Andrew welcomed our 3 confirmands from the Savernake Team as well as one from the Vale of Pewsey. Pictured with the Bishop are Jackie, Ashley, Harry & Grace.

If you would like to know more about being confirmed contact one of our clergy on the ABOUT page.

Easter Gardens made by the children at Great Bedwyn and East Grafton.

For more pictures visit the Church ‘Parishes’ tab in the menu.

Funerals, Weddings & Baptisms:  If you wish to discuss any of these life events please contact our team Administrator, Samantha, on 01672 550870 or email 

Please note that Baptism events usually take place during a Sunday morning Family Service.

Alternatively you can contact a member of the Savernake Team Clergy direct on the telephone numbers below:

Rev’d Jo Reid   01264 850384

Rev’d Dr Colin Heber-Percy 01264 731386

The following helplines and/or Facebook pages have been set up for local communities who are co-ordinating help of any kind be it collecting prescriptions, shopping, providing meals or just a telephone call for a comforting chat:

Gt Bedwyn Facebook pages “Bedwyn Parish Volunteers and Support Group” and “St Mary’s Church Gt Bedwyn”. Telephone the Bedwyn LINK number on 0771 700 6787 if you require help with something or would like to volunteer to help those in need.

Burbage Facebook page “Burbage Community Wilts”.  The COVID-19 Community Helpline is 01672 810853

  • Savernake Team Office:
    Samantha works from home.

    Please email her for any postal instructions.