St. Michael’s, Little Bedwyn

The congregation is small, faithful and they care deeply for their local community.  The church family is friendly and welcoming. Since the average age is rising steadily we are very keen to attract families with young children to join us. We value the support and encouragement of the community to explore new ideas and initiatives to achieve this.

St. Michael's, Little Bedwyn, SN8 3JQ

For information on parish activities and Church life in our parish, you can contact us at

General Information

We have two BCP services a month which are often attended by other congregations in the team. We hold a variety of services throughout the month including Family Communion (followed by refreshments), an informal "Coffee Church" which is Lay Led, and an Evensong Service.

The regular congregation is small, but the community as a whole is involved with the church in other ways. We look after each other and members of the community are very supportive in contributing to church activities such as a Songs of Praise, the Lent Lunch or the Tesco Food Bank Rota. Recently some families with young children took the initiative and organised a very successful Carol /Nativity Service to our delight. We hope that this was the first of many and we plan to encourage their involvement at other key times of the church year.

Bell ringing is thriving; Little Bedwyn ringers join with the other churches forming a core group that rings at funerals, weddings and other local celebrations.

Church Contact/Warden

Email churchwarden by clicking here

Our Usual Pattern of Services

  • 1st Sunday

    9.00 am Holy Communion

  • 2nd Sunday

    9.30 am "Thought for the week" *

  • 3rd Sunday

    6.00 pm Evensong

  • 4th Sunday

    8am Holy Communion (BCP)

  • 5th Sunday

    To be advised

* an informal service

News & Events

Please come back soon to view our list of annual dates and events

  • Savernake Team Office:
    Samantha works from home.

    Please email her for any postal instructions.