About the
Savernake Team
We are currently in vacancy following the retirement of our Rector, Michael McHugh. During this time we rely on one full time and one part time priest, along with the support of our Rural Dean and retired clergy.
For general enquiries the team office can be contacted by e-mail at: savernaketeam@outlook.com
Should you need a member of the clergy for pastoral help and support, they can be contacted by e-mail at: joreid185@btinternet.com or colinheberpercy@gmail.com
Our Rural Dean can be contacted on Gerald.osborne@lfml.uk
Left to right – Revd Jo Reid, Mrs Samantha Cave, Revd Dr Colin Heber-Percy, Canon Gerald Osborne, Revd Howard Jameson (Retired with PTO), Revd Clifford Poole (Retired with PTO).