Welcome to the Church of England in the Savernake Team!

We are a team of 11 village parishes in the beautiful countryside of North East Wiltshire. We are part of the Pewsey Deanery in the Diocese of Salisbury, England.

Promoting A Safer Church

In the Savernake Team we are committed to the responsibility of ensuring all parishes provide a safe place. Our Team Safeguarding Officer and Clergy work together to support the parishes in achieving this. For further information visit our Safeguarding page.

Please visit our Services, News & Events page for up to date information including Service Listings across the team. 

The Savernake Team is currently in Vacancy following the retirement of Rector Michael McHugh. Please visit our ABOUT page (also in the above menu) to find team members contact details. Click  HERE to read what a Vacancy is.

Our aim is to share the good news of Jesus Christ. We invite you to join us in exploring your own faith journey in the company of other pilgrims.

Details of services and other events in our local churches can be found by visiting the Services, News & Events page.

Information on Baptism, Confirmation, Marriage and opportunities to explore the Christian faith can be found in the Information area. If you need to contact someone about a death please get in touch with a member of the Clergy.

The Savernake Team Prayer

Almighty God, Father of all mercies,
You have set the Tree of Life in Your heavenly city
to yield its fruits throughout the year.
Grant to Your servants of the Savernake Team
that they may continually bear the fruits of the Spirit
as they work together for the glory of Your name,
through Him who hung for all upon a tree,
Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen

  • Savernake Team Office:
    Samantha works from home.

    Please email her for any postal instructions.