Closed Churches

For information regarding any of the closed Churches within the Savernake Team, please contact:

The Churches Conservation Trust (formally the Redundant Churches Fund) on tel./fax (01722) 333474

The Field Officer for the SW area is Mr. Neil Shelton

St Mary’s Church, Chute Forest.
This church is closed but used once a year by the Chute community for a service.

Christ Church, Fosbury
This church is closed and not in use.  It is privately owned.

St Peter’s Church, Everleigh
This church is closed but hosts a Carol Service once a year. It is looked after by the Churches Conservation Trust.

Chisbury Chapel
This chapel is not in use. It is looked after by English Heritage.

  • Savernake Team Office:
    Samantha works from home.

    Please email her for any postal instructions.